Sunday, November 02, 2008

In the mood to laze ...

There's always be a time when I was just too lazy to cook. Today was the best example. Made some lempeng pisang and fried rice for breakfast. Come noon, I was simply too tired and lazy to rummage the fridge and start cooking. Really not in the mood to cook. The keli which I had defrosted, I placed it back in the freezer. There goes the plan to cook either Sambal Keli or Keli bakar with Air Asam.

What to do? Call for pizza delivery? Haiyaaa .. too costly la at this moment of time. Must finish work first before can eat pizza. Too lazy to make one, too. So tedious. Have to make the dough, dice all the toppings, buy the expensive cheese bla bla bla bla ...

Ahaaaa! Ayah was not home. Ada chance nak ngelat masak. Sms-ed him. "I'm not cooking. X larat." hahahahaha ...

"Oh. Ok. Nak beli apa? Kebetulan kat kedai makan ni."

Wahhhh ... pucuk dicita ulam mendatang. "Suka hati. X masak apa2 langsung."

An hour after that, Ayah came back with food. I was lying with Ali. Trying to put him to sleep so that Ibu can lazy around. The kids was jumping up and down. Not sure whether it was because of Ayah was home or because of the food.

Ayah started working on the rice. "Wahh .. ayah pandai masak nasi." Syabil innocently commented on Ayah's skill in cooking rice. Huh!!?? Not sure whether it was a compliment or otherwise. hahahahha

Ayah bought ikan pari bakar air asam (which was too sweet .. apahal la air asam manis bebenor?!), ayam masak merah (Irfan's favourite), udang goreng dengan kacang panjang (Zinnirah's fave) and a special sup campur for Ibu (ada daging, paru, perut .. taugeh, lobak jeruk .. fuh! heaven!)

Why the special soup? Errr .. Ibu was not feeling right kan? (X larat!)

When the rice was cooked, Ayah served lunch. The kids must be very hungry that they were unnaturally quite while eating. Selalunya ... Havoc wa cakap lu.

To make up for the 'lost' lunch, Ibu made baked macaroni with egg and minced chicken plus some blackpepper gravy. That's for dinner ;)


  1. Salam ...

    lempeng pisang?... sedap tu....

  2. waah!!!! lempeng pisang!!! nak!!!!

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